Rubber gasket Daily life rubber products Rubber sealed loop Stabilizer for industrial use
Inventory items are shipped on the same day the order is received. Mold items are shipped 7 days after the order is received. Mold items that need to be developed are shipped 15 days after the order is received. If you have an urgent need, we can expedite it for you. If you can inform the annual demand , and can also match your schedule to prepare the products you need in advance.
According to the delivery method you specify, such as freight, express delivery, etc., the goods will be delivered to you on time.
If you find that the product is missing or inconsistent within 30 days after receiving the product, we will have a special person within 24 hours to inform you how to deal with the product and other necessary remedial measures.
All products sold are warranted to be free from defects, either in materials or in the product itself, for one year after the date of shipment.
Miss Wang
Miss Bai
Miss Ji
Miss Zhou
Mr. Wei